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Count Giacomo von Newlin ~ Dunin Borkowski, born in 1951 in the Republic of San Marino, Polish by origin, of Swiss nationality, living in Lugano.

Academic training at the University of Friborg (CH) and the Pontifical Lateran University (Rome).

Journalist of the Swiss Radio and Television RSI since 1976, especially in the following areas of interest: Education and Family, Italianness in Switzerland and Cross-border Cooperation, Food and Wine and Hotel Hospitality; host of theme nights with guests, for banks, companies and organizations.

Father of two daughters: Helena (1975) and Federica (1986), romantically linked to Mary.

Knight of the Italian Republic, member of the Lions Club of Lugano since 1995 and president of the same for the year 2000-2001, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Club; member of the Chaîne des Rotisseurs Swiss bailliage of Sottoceneri (Canton Ticino).

Some of the passions: good food, art, literature and tourism.

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My family


The lineage of the Dunin Borkowski counts, with the swan in the coat of arms and the motto "Omnia ad honorem" ("All for Honor"), is one of the oldest in Poland. It was already known at the time of the first Polish royal dynasty, that of the Piast. According to Niesiecki, one of the most authoritative Polish genealogists, the founder of the Dunins, Piotr, came from Denmark and was in direct line, grandson of the Danish king Eric (1075-1103). In 1124 the Polish king Boleslaw Kryzwoust granted Piotr Dunin the goods of "Skryznno".

Later the Dunins moved to the lands of Borkowice, near Sandomierz, where they took the double surname Dunin Borkowski. Piotr Dunin signed himself as "comes" / "count", although the title of count was not yet known in Poland in the 12th century. In 1104 he married Maria Swiatopelka, daughter of the Grand Duke of Kiev (at the time belonging to the great Poland).

On March 15, 1547, Emperor Ferdinand I granted the Dunin Borkowski family the title of Count of the Holy Roman Empire. On 12 October 1918 the title of count was again recognized by the Austrian emperor Karl I.

There are three main lines of the family, descendants of the progenitor, mine is the first and can be summarized as follows: Henryk Jakob Dunin Borkowski (1798-1847) marries Julianna Koritowska and has a son, Miecislaw Ignacy (1833-1919) who marries Maria, Countess Wodzicka. They have four children: 1) Kazimiera Florentyna (1869-1898); 2) Juliusz Marian (born in 1875);

3) Wladyslaw Jerzy (my grandfather) born on 14 December 1877 in Mielnica; 4) Jadwiga Eleonora (born in 1879). My grandfather Wladislaw Jerzy, lord of Sarnka, got married on November 23, 1901 in Krakow, with Ewelina Mazaraki of the counts Newlin, born in Rybczynca on December 28, 1880, lady of Oczytkowo near Tarnopole in the Ukraina of the great Poland. They had two children: Stanislaw Kostka Miecislaw August Ignacy Jan Kanty Jerzy Maria Felicjan, my father's brother, born on 20 October 1902 in the locality of Zagrobela, and my father Miecislaw Mari Jerzy Aleks, born on 17 July 1905 in Kapuscince near Tarnopol and died in Geneva on August 20, 1971.

During the last world war, my father was an officer in the Polish Liberation Army and for reasons of contingent opportunity, he took the name Josef and the surname Newlin (surname of the maiden mother), also changing the date of birth in March 9, 1900 At the end of the conflict he is in Rome and in the circle of Polish officers he meets the Polish young lady Janina Dabrowska, born in Kalisz on February 16, 1922, a schoolgirl at the Polish college of the resurrectionist nuns in Rome. They married in 1950 in the Republic of San Marino and decided to settle there.

From the union three children were born in San Marino: Count Giacomo Marino Taddeo, born on 5 January 1951 (the undersigned); Countess Anna Cecilia Maria, born on 25 July 1952 and Countess Stefania Maria Francesca, born on 29 August 1954.

From my first marriage, on January 8, 1975, Countess Helena Maria Claudia was born, while from my second marriage, on November 12, 1986, Countess Federica Maria Elisabetta was born.

The House of Dunin


The Family Dunin is among the oldest in Poland. However, historians are not unanimous as to its origin. Some, as the famous XVth century chronicler Dlugosz, consider its roots to be in Denmark, from where its protoplast, Palatine Piotr Wlast, arrived with a great treasure at the court of King Boleslaw Krzywousty.

Others, while not denying the existence of the legendary Palatine Piotr, claim the descended from the ancient Labedzie (Labedzice) Family (The Swans), already settled in Silesia for a long time. Still others search for other etymological or heraldic links for the name used by the various branches of the Family (Dunin, Donin, Dunyn, Domin) as well as for the crest Labedz (the Swan).

Leaving aside the problem of their origin, it is an undisputed fact that in the XIII-XIVth century, the Labedzie, descendants of the Palatine Piotr, formed a powerful family grouping with many branches. The family was settled on a wide area, in particular in Silesia, the Kraków and Sandomierz provinces and in Kujawy.

At approximately the same time the "Dunin" version of the family name and the argent or white swan on red field, with certain variations, was uniformly accepted as the distinguishing crest and was depicted on their coat of arms. On the other hand, different branches of the Family began to use as distinguishing element surnames deriving from the names of their principal seats eg Dunin Sulgostowski (from Sulgostów), Dunin Borkowski (from Borkowice), Dunin Kozicki (from Kozice), Dunin Modliszewski ( from Modliszewice) etc. Others preserved as hereditary surname the nickname given to their prominent ancestor eg Dunin Wasowicz (from "wasy" / "mustache"), Dunin Szpot or Szpotanski (from "szpotawy" / "club-footed"), Dunin Slepsc (from "slepy" / "blind").

Through the centuries, in connection with political, social and economic changes in the country and in methods of conducting the affairs of state, the Family gradually lost its leading role and importance.

However, through a Polish history, the Dunins have never ceased to serve their country by their work, and if necessary blood, always faithful to their ancestral motto: "Omnia ad honorem".

Duninowie Herbu łabędź


Ród Duninów należy do najstarszych rodów polskich. Jego protoplastą był żyjący w XII wieku możnowładca, wojewoda i doradca króla Bolesława Krzywoustego komes Piotr Włostowic. Wokół tej wybitnej post us wyrosły legendy opiewające jego dzieje i opisujace jego bogactwo i potęgę. Długosz podaje jakoby Piotr z wielkim skarbem przywędrował na dwór królewski z Danii i stad pochodzi przydomek Dunin i herb Łabędź.

Legendy tej nie potwierdzają jednak żadne źródła historyczne, a poza tym wiadomo, że ojciec Piotra Włast był z dawna osiadły na Śląsku, gdzie posiadałętności. Sam Piotr nie używał ani przydomka Dunin ani herbu Łabędź.

Dopiero w XIV wieku potomkowie Piotra Włostowica zaczęli się nazywać Duninami, co powstało prawdopodobnie z przekręcenia łacińskiej wersji imienia Dominik: Domin, Donin, Dunin.

Trafiło to na podatny grunt wobec rodzącej się równocześnie legendy or duńskim pochodzeniu. W tym samym mniej więcej czasie wspólnym znakiem herbowym Rodu stał się biały łabędź w czerwonym polu.

W XIII-XIV w. Łabędzice, potomkowie Piotra Włosta, stanowili już potężny, szeroko rozgałęziony ród, rozsiedlony zwłaszcza w Sandomierskiem, w Krakowskiem oraz na Mazowszu i na Kujawach. W tym też mniej więcej czasie, z jednej strony upowszechnia się wśród członków ack form nazwiska Dunin the wizerunek łabędzia na tarczy herbowej, z drugiej ZAS strony, poszczególne rodziny zaczynają wyróżniać SWA Galaz, dodając do nazwiska przydomek utworzony od nazwy miejscowości, będącej ich glowna Siedziba .

Tak powstali np. Dunin Sulgostowscy (z Sulgostowa), Dunin Borkowscy (z Borkowic), Dunin Koziccy (z Kozic), Dunin Karwiccy (z Karwic) the hymns. Nieco inaczej, w tymże okresie ukształtowały się formy Dunin Szpot (Szpotański), Dunin Wąsowicz, w których przechowało się dla potomnych przezwisko, nadane kiedyś znacznemu członjystiego członky

Nie zabrakło Duninów, gdy tworzyła się Rzeczypospolita Obojga Narodów. Swą pieczęć na Unii Horodelskiej przystawił Dziersław ze Skrzynna przyjmując do Herbu i Rodu Golimunta. Stąd pojawiły się rodziny Łabędziów litewskich i ruskich.

W późniejszych czasach Ród Duninów stopniowo stracił swe wiodące znaczenie, nie przestał jednak służyć Ojczyźnie myślą, pracą lub krwią, gdy było trzeba, przez całyniejjszych

Range Rover

Range Rover

Dunin-Borkowski Hrabia Pol

Dunin-Borkowski Hrabia Pol

Il palazzo di famiglia in Polonia prima della Seconda Guerra Mondiale

Il palazzo di famiglia in Polonia prima della Seconda Guerra Mondiale

Mio padre il Conte Mieclslaw Joseph

Mio padre il Conte Mieclslaw Joseph

Mia madre la Contessa Janina sulle nevi svizzere

Mia madre la Contessa Janina sulle nevi svizzere

Intronizzazione a Lugano nel 2003  Chaîne des Rôtisseurs

Intronizzazione a Lugano nel 2003 Chaîne des Rôtisseurs

von Newlin

von Newlin

Badalucci Taste of Art Lugano

Badalucci Taste of Art Lugano

Grand Hotel Kempinski St. Moritz

Grand Hotel Kempinski St. Moritz

Piotr Wlostowic

Piotr Wlostowic

Sulla mia moto nel 1970

Sulla mia moto nel 1970

A Lugano nel 1985

A Lugano nel 1985

Giacomo Newlin

Giacomo Newlin

In diretta radiofonica all'esterno

In diretta radiofonica all'esterno



© 2025 Giacomo Newlin

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